Italo Calvino - Visibility

The concept that grabbed my attention from the reading is the description of Loyola’s idea of devotion. The author makes a point of differentiating between the use of visual representations to communicate the message of the Church, and the use of an individual’s imagination to create representations of theological propositions.
In the first case, sacred art is used to represent the verbal teachings of the Church and to create an emotional stimuli. Examples are the works of Michelangelo where initial images are provided to the believer. In my opinion this process from the point of view of the person receiving the stimuli is more passive. Loyola’s idea is different because he places great importance on visual imagination. In his theory, each person uses visual imagination to create a unique representation of the words of the Church to attain profound knowledge. The process is personal and requires more individual reflection, making it more active.
The question is what is the source of the imagination process. Loyola describes de stages in his “Spiritual Exercises”. He states that the first step is creating a visualization of the space, then the people in the scene and last the three divine persons. I believe that the process needs to have an inspiration that is beyond the mundane episodes in our lives and instead it has divine inspiration which is devotion.
